Friday, September 9, 2011

fine art portrait gallery

ine art portrait gallery log9

Dear visitor, you are now on the website of portrait artist Igor Kazarin whose specialty is drawing portraits from photos. You can commission a portrait drawing from photograph in two drawing techniques: On canvas either in oil or in dry brush technique. Artist Igor Kazarin has been drawing portraits live and from photographs for more than 20 years now, creating exceptionally realistic results. Over the whole period artist Igor Kazarin developed his own unique style. Recently he has uploaded a few videos that show the painting process itself as well. Why do people order portraits from photos? - There a few reasons for this: First of all, the human desire to give a gift to friends that is painted by a professional artist. Furthermore, the fact that you do not need to pose and stand still for a long time. The third -and perhaps the most important- reason is the surprise factor - the birthday boy receiving a gift that he did not expect.If you decide to order a portrait, you need to do it in advance. An original painting from photo -a gift for your loved one- will always be in the center of attention at any family or workplace party. Oil portrait
Apart from portraits from photos, the artist paints landscapes and still life pieces with fruits as well, all in realistic style - which he often had to do in the '90s. In those days his paintings sold out very quickly, now it is not as popular, but occasionally he still paints them, some of those paintings are uploaded on the website. There you will also find cartoons and caricatures drawn from photos by my artist friends Vladimir and Vyacheslav Dotsoev, along with information about famous Russian artists of the 18-19th century.
The website was established in March 2006. Since then, artist Igor Kazarin has been drawing portraits from photos, gaining accumulated years of experience. Drawing a portrait from photo is a very difficult (but, at the same time, interesting) task that requires a lot of attention, precision and care.

If you have a gift idea and you decide to order a portrait from photo, please write your wishes and send to My E-mail. To ensure your portrait will be drwan in the best possible quality, the photo you send should also be of high quality: The faces must be in focus, facial features clearly visibile. After all it will be on canvas soon!

"How do you paint your portraits?" - visitors sometimes ask the artist. The answer is simple. When the artist is painting, he holds a photo in his left hand while drawing with the right one. It is the most convenient way which is used by many artists.

On this website you can watch videos of Igor Kazarin painting portraits from photos. These speed drawing videos consist of sequenced fragments of portraits. The execution time of these portraits varies from 4-6 hours.

How to order a portrait from photo from artist Igor Kazarin? If you liked the samples of portraits on this site and you have decided to Commision portrait, send the reference photo in digital form to my E-mail!
Funny faces cartoon drawings
Funny faces
cartoon drawings In these video clips, caricaturist Vyacheslav Dotsoev draws cartoons and ridiculous caricatures in a quick but skilled manner, while his presentations are amusing the public. A 3 minutes long cartoon or a caricature will cheer up all your company. Many people love to laugh about cheerful images or caricatures of friends and colleagues. Commissioning this artist will bring you joy and give you an excellent mood.

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