On page oil painting still life of fruits are presented: hand painted picture of grapes, art - painting - romantic still-life, dutch style still-life art (a kind of easel painting) this image of inanimate objects (subjects of a daily life, fruit, flowers, game, etc.) As a rule artists try to transfer the invoice and colors of subjects as it is possible more naturally and more precisely, to display fruit of the spirit picture for love with art sense. Contemporary fruit oil painting Dutch style still-life is a great opening by artists of beauty of the world, unique creations of nature, prophetic with their unique variety and riches. Artist shows to spectator on canvas various subjects collected by it, uniting them around of the core and the main thing. Still-life painting of fruit, it is composite spread out, beautiful on color scale exotic fruits in commonwealth about a patch of light glass and metal utensils which reflexes play pleasant visual perception. It is yellow orange peaches, mature plums in are mixed with picturesque grapes and grapevines with the twirled moustaches and leaves, supplement composite all picture. Easy highlight in many still life of fruits it certainly the beautiful butterfly or the fly written very convincingly, that would be desirable them to touch. Always it is very
perfectly looked still life pictures of baskets of fruits, are vividly looked fruit in beautiful a patch of light vases. The main task of artists of a still-life to reveal material features of various subjects in conditions of the set illumination, selecting the most valuable. Owing to color riches, colors come to life under action of light and the type of a magnificent still life of fruits painting is gradually developed Distinctive features of the Dutch still-life are its small sizes as basically people from average estate bought them for an ornament, sometimes prosperous peasants. Contents of a still-life were emphasized by extremely exact detailed elaboration of a material world, transfer of real forms, separate fragments of a picture very honesty and diligently left, subjects in a still-life were represented in a celebratory manner of perception, graceful luxury and shine, quiet contemplation, all this corresponded refined to taste of Dutchs. The Great value was given to the composite decision, a manner of a writing of pictures by sufficient confidence of knowledge of the business and love to the craft, grinded by patience and diligence that was national feature of the Dutch artists. Main a problem of the Dutch artists was: To involve the spectator with unusual beauty of a still-life, to develop in the person feeling of perception fine, forcing to think and reflect on beauty of things surrounding them, habitual to a sight of inanimate objects. The person still with since olden days peered into the world of subjects surrounding it, trying to solve secret secrets of a life to display all graceful on a canvas. All this beauty, have superb managed to see Dutch artists and to present all world unusual creations and unsolved secrets of art of a still-life. A still-life this bright expression of the person, to the world of fine things surrounding us and gifts of the mother of the nature. Hand painted picture of grapes with it is thin registered details subjects with a picturesque abundance of others exotic fruit where light falling on subjects, plays on a brilliant surface стекляных vases and metal utensils that gives integrities, unity of construction of a composition and unique fantastic decorative effect of the image. The picture in a beautiful, decorative frame will decorate any интеръер apartments or will serve you as an excellent gift.
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